Marten Falls First Nation (MFFN) Community Access Road
June 2023 update
Current and upcoming activities
Welcome to the MFFN Community Access Road June 2023 E-Blast with updates on current and upcoming activities. This E-Blast features:
New Video: Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Program
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage is one of the many areas studied as part of the Environment Assessment for the Community Access Road. We have posted a new video on the topic that will help explain:
- The importance of Indigenous Knowledge combined with western science
- What Archaeology and Cultural Heritage is and why we are studying them
- What we’ve already learned and
- How you can be involved
Watch the video here
If you are interested in this topic, stay tuned for updates on the upcoming Cultural Heritage field work expected to take place this summer.
Want more videos? Visit our Multimedia Page or for a deeper dive visit the Webinar gallery.
National Indigenous People’s Day

Members of the MFFN Community Access Road Team and Senior Community Member Advisors were in-community for National Indigenous People’s Day. A community meeting was held and there were celebrations with a community meal, games, and a concert.
Many thanks to Chief Bruce and the whole community for their hospitality and continued participation as we work towards the next major milestone in the Environmental Assessment process for the Community Access Road.
Project Milestone! The Existing Conditions Report and Indigenous Knowledge
A draft existing conditions report for the Community Access Road is underway and will help inform the identification of the preferred route alignment for the road.
Our goal is to create a report that meaningfully includes Indigenous Knowledge. To help ensure the inclusion of this information in the draft existing conditions report, it is critical that Indigenous Knowledge and information on Indigenous Land and Resource Use be shared with the MFFN CAR Project Team by June 30, 2023.
If your community has Indigenous Knowledge or information on Indigenous Land and Resource Use related to the Community Access Road Project that you would like to share please do not hesitate to reach out to Bob Baxter at 1-807-628-7553 or or Andrea Nokleby at 1-604-417-5332 or .
Field Study Updates
Field studies for the MFFN Community Access Road Project are continuing.
See the Field Notice on our website for more information the spring field studies.
Upcoming field studies include:
- Groundwater and Geochemistry Program (June 26 - July 14, 2023)
Groundwater drilling was completed earlier this month to prepare for groundwater well sampling. Field crews will carry out the sampling work beginning June 26, 2023.
- Socio-Economic and Human Health (July)
The socio-economic and human health team will be conducting surveys in MFFN and a youth focus group in Thunder Bay with MFFN members. Confirmed dates and details to follow.
- Cultural Heritage (July)
The cultural heritage team will be in MFFN in July speaking to elders and members to understand cultural heritage landscapes and built heritage resources that are important to the community. Confirmed dates and details to follow.
- Vegetation Field Program (August 2023)
- Groundwater Well Sampling (Summer and Fall 2023)
Programs completed earlier this month:
- Vegetation and Peatlands Aerial and Ground Surveys (June 14-19)
- Wolverine (wishkobishag, wiingwa’waake) Hair Snag Decommissioning (June 5-11)
- Ungulate Remote Camera Retrieval (June 5 -11)
Field crews will include MFFN community member Field Assistants or Community Member Advisors.
Check out the related field program notices for more details, watch videos and fill out Discussion Guides.
*Timelines and programs are approximate and may shift; we will provide updates as required.
We Value Your Feedback
Please contact us at any time with questions or comments, or to schedule a meeting. Meetings can be arranged in-person in any community, in the Thunder Bay area, or online. We want to hear what you have to say!
Questions or comments? Contact us at 1-800-764-9114 or