Marten Falls First Nation (MFFN) Community Access Road
March 2023 update
Current and upcoming activities
Welcome to the MFFN Community Access Road March 2023 E-Blast with updates on current and upcoming activities. This E-Blast features:
Meet a MFFN Community Coordinator
Rowena Moonias, a MFFN community member, is a Community Coordinator for the MFFN Community Access Road Project! Rowena joined the team in November 2022 and has already brought her enthusiasm, insights and work ethic to help with the coordination of the recent Public Information Centre #4 in Thunder Bay and Geraldton. She also helps share Community Access Road updates and activities, collect data and help coordinate a wide range of other engagement activities.
Rowena shared a bit about herself below.
About Me
“My name is Rowena Moonias and I am excited to be a part of the Marten Falls Access Road team as a Community Coordinator. I am from Marten Falls First Nation and have served in many different positions for the community since 2005. I have a diverse education background having attended college for flight training and receiving my Commercial Pilots License and Ratings. I am always interested in new projects, people and experiences and have a deep love for my community and family. Miigwetch.”
Field Study Spotlight: Wishkobish / Wolverine Denning Program
The wolverine denning survey, associated with the Groundwater and Geochemistry Program, is now complete. The field crew, including the MFFN Field Assistant, completed the program this month. The purpose of this field program was to confirm the presence / absence of active wolverine dens within 4 km of groundwater monitoring well locations, located along both route alternatives. The crew found potential denning activity within 4 km of two groundwater drilling sites near Geraldton. The drilling contractor mobilized in Geraldton following this survey to complete reconnaissance (visual inspections) and avoided these sites. Additional denning surveys may take place in the spring. No drilling will take place until all necessary survey work is complete.
Winter Field Updates
The following programs have or will occur between March and May 2023, with exact dates being provided once confirmed:
- Wolverine (wishkobishag, wiingwa’waake) Hair Snag Surveys — Hair snag rebaits took place from March 10 to March 12, 2023. The next rebaiting may take place in the Geraldton area as early as April, pending weather and could take 6 to 10 days to complete. See the Field Notice on our website for more information about the wolverine hair snag field program.
- Groundwater and Geochemistry Program — The groundwater drilling could not be completed at all sites in 2022. Drilling of the remaining sites are anticipated to be conducted in April 2023. Sampling the monitoring wells will continue in spring.
- Collared Caribou (atigwag) Mortality Investigations — A mortality investigation was completed the week of March 20. Mortality investigations will continue as needed.
- Ungulate Remote Camera Program (Spring) — Field crews will be retrieving the remote cameras that were deployed in 2021.
- Vegetation and Peatlands Aerial and Ground Surveys (Late May 2023)
- Cultural Heritage (May) — Field crews will be surveying built heritage and cultural heritage resources in the study area. A field notice with more information will be issued in the coming days.
Check out the related field program notices for more details, watch videos and fill out Discussion Guides.
*Timelines and programs are approximate and may shift; we will provide updates as required.
MFFN CAR Webinar Series
The MFFN CAR Webinar Series on the Project’s valued components (study areas) is coming to an end! We’ve hosted 11 webinars to date covering topics from wildlife, climate change and socio-economics. If you missed a live webinar, recordings of all past sessions are available here.
Our last webinar covers Aboriginal and / or Treaty Rights and Interests and will take place on Tuesday April 4 at 4:00 PM EST. Join us live and register here.
If your community or organization is interested in a meeting to talk about our studies, reach out to book a meeting.
We Value Your Feedback
Please contact us at any time with questions or comments, or to schedule a meeting. Meetings can be arranged in-person in any community, in the Thunder Bay area, or online. We want to hear what you have to say!
Questions or comments? Contact us at 1-800-764-9114 or