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The Remote Camera Installation Field Program—to document the presence of wildlife in the study area—is continuing for the federal Impact Assessment (IA) for Marten Falls First Nation’s proposed All-Season Community Access Road. The Terms of Reference (ToR), a framework to guide the provincial Environmental Assessment (EA), is currently with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for review and decision. If the ToR is approved, this field program will also inform the provincial EA.
The purpose of this Discussion Guide is to provide an overview of the upcoming Remote Camera Installation Field Program and to receive your feedback on key questions. Your insights will be helpful when planning the upcoming program.
A field notice will be distributed once dates are confirmed.
What's Happening?
An important part of the EA and IA is understanding potential effects that the proposed Community Access Road may have on different wildlife. To better understand this, MFFN is installing remote, motion sensor wildlife cameras on active game trails throughout the Local Study Area. These cameras will collect important information on the presence and seasonal patterns of caribou, moose, wolves and other wildlife. This is a continuation of work that started in 2019 when similar cameras were installed. Cameras will be installed within each of the various habitat types (e.g., forest, marsh, swamp) found in the study area. We are looking for recommendations on areas within the Local Study Area that we should consider installing cameras (e.g., on game trails or in areas that see an abundance of wildlife.)
The study area includes the areas within 10km of the proposed route options and is shown in a figure below.
Cameras are expected to be set up in June. Once set up, they will stay in place for two years. Maintenance visits will take place every six months to check the cameras. Exact dates will be provided once confirmed.
We Need Your Input!
Your input is an important part of shaping this field program and any insights shared will be considered before the program starts in June. If you have any insights on the following questions, we want to hear from you. If you have sensitive and confidential information that you would like to share through the Indigenous Knowledge Program to make sure it is protected, please let us know.
Fill out the form below based on your knowledge of wildlife distribution and movement in the region by May 28, 2021.
If you have sensitive and confidential information that you would like to share through the Indigenous Knowledge Program to make sure it is protected, please let us know.
Contact Information
Contact the Project Team at any time with questions or comments
Lawrence Baxter
Senior Community Member Advisor
Marten Falls First Nation
James McCutchon
Project Manager