MFFN is committed to creating and sustaining constructive dialogue and relationships with interested persons, including MFFN community membership, neighbouring Indigenous communities, government agencies, the public, industry and non-governmental organizations to support the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the Project.
Meetings with the MFFN community and neighbouring Indigenous communities, public open houses and one-on-one meetings with interested persons will continue throughout all phases of the Terms of Reference and Environmental Assessment (EA) process, as will ongoing sharing of information through the project website, notifications, newsletters and project updates.
The following EA milestones will help guide the timing, approach and content of our consultation and engagement efforts, and will be linked to consultation activities:
- Finalization of the Terms of Reference;
- Notice of Commencement for the EA phase;
- Development of impact assessment/ routing evaluation criteria;
- Evaluation of the western routing alternatives and identification of the preferred route alternative;
- Submission of Draft EA Report; and
- Submission of the Final EA Report.
The entire Draft Terms of Reference document, including the EA Consultation Plan, is available for review and comment by interested persons until January 20, 2020.
Outreach with Indigenous Communities:
- Chief & Council and/or community meetings; on and off-reserve;
- Community Member Discussions (e.g., Elder, Youth, Hunters/Trappers, Knowledge Keepers);
- Topic-specific community member discussions (e.g., training and employment opportunities);
- Translated notifications, project updates and plain-language Environmental Assessment (EA) documentation; in writing and online, as needed;
- Social media updates; and
- Community Consultation Coordinators, where appropriate.
Outreach for All Interested Persons:
- Statutory notifications; in writing and online;
- One-on-one Interviews;
- Public Open Houses;
- Project website;
- Newsletters and email updates; and
- Review of EA documentation (i.e., Draft and Proposed Terms of Reference, and Draft and Final EA Report).
How would you like to be informed and consulted with during the Terms of Reference and EA?
What topics are of most interest to you?