Provincial Requirements
- The proposed community access road is subject to the Ontario Environmental
Assessment Act (1990), and will follow two key steps: 1) development and submission of a Terms of Reference; and 2) completion of an Environmental Assessment (EA).
- The Terms of Reference provides a ‘roadmap’ for planning and decision-making during the EA; it outlines what studies will be conducted and how people will be consulted. The Terms of Reference will be submitted to the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for review and approval.
- On approval, Marten Falls First Nation (MFFN) will proceed with preparation of the Environmental Assessment Report in accordance with the Minister-approved Terms of Reference and the Environmental Assessment Act.
Federal Requirements
- To meet the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, a Federal
EA may be necessary.
- A Project Description will be submitted by MFFN to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA), who will consult with First Nations and the public to determine whether a Federal EA is required.
- Should a Federal EA be required, the CEAA will publish Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Guidelines to guide MFFN in preparing an Environmental Impact Statement.
- The Environmental Impact Statement will only be completed if the Agency determines, after their review of the Project Description, that a Federal EA is required.