Waterfowl Discussion Guide 2021

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The Aerial Waterfowl Migration Surveys—to document and understand the seasonal distribution, abundance and density between years for waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors in the study area—is starting for the federal Impact Assessment (IA) for Marten Falls First Nation’s proposed All-Season Community Access Road. The Terms of Reference (ToR), a framework to guide the provincial Environmental Assessment (EA), is currently with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for review and decision. If the ToR is approved, this field program will also inform the provincial EA.

The purpose of this Discussion Guide is to provide an overview to this upcoming Field Program and receive your feedback on key questions. Your insight will help shape the program.

A field notice will be distributed once dates are confirmed.

What's Happening?

The Aerial Waterfowl Migration Surveys will collect information on waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors in the study area. Waterfowl and shorebirds include geese (nikah), ducks (shesheeb) and swans (waabihssi). Raptors in the study area will include osprey (saagwadamo) and the boreal owl. The purpose of the surveys is to better understand the seasonal distribution (excluding raptors), abundance and density between years for waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors. Potential stopover / staging areas for migrating waterfowl and shorebirds will be examined by circling areas of suitable open water habitats and counting the number of individual waterfowl and shorebirds. Aerial surveys will target raptors when moving among wetlands and lakes.

This survey will continue in 2022 with Spring Aerial Surveys to verify the breeding status of raptor nests (i.e., stick nests), including those identified in Spring 2018 aerial surveys conducted by Zoetica. This information will be used to understand where birds currently stopover in the study area as a first step in predicting how the Community Access Road might affect birds, their migration and their habitats.

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The field program is anticipated to take place in two parts in September. Exact dates will be provided in a field notice once confirmed.

Field crews will be accessing sites across the study area by helicopter during the field program. No equipment will be left in the field or Marten Falls First Nation community for this program.

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We Need Your Input!

Your input is an important part of shaping this field program and will be considered before the field program starts. If you have any feedback on the following questions, we want to hear from you.

If you have any insights, please contact us by September 13, 2021

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